Steve Gardner (sanger), originally from Boston, has been writing, performing and recording music since the late 70's. Since then he has had international radio airplay, numerous awards and will be releasing a full length album in 2014 with his collaborator Zoran Jevtic, better known as jezor, from the United Kingdom.
Steve is also the managing partner at Kompoz, LLC, based in Miami, FL. is one of the business units within Kompoz, LLC.
In addtion to his vocal work,sanger is also a music producer, songwriter and plays multiple instruments. sanger joined The Dead Clowns in 2009, after hearing their work at is where The Dead Clowns began, finding new band members from the world over.
sanger, in addition to his contributions to The Dead Clowns, also heads up The Condition, a virtual rock band featuring over 24 musician in many different countries. Like The Dead Clowns,The Condition has it's beginnings at The Condition's debut single, "All My Yesterdays", has received airplay at radio stations throughout the United States and Europe.
sanger is featured on "Dirty Lies" (all vocals/lyrics) and is co-producer on "Rock to the Rhythm" by The Dead Clowns.