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March 4th 2014, 02:23 AM GMT
Internet Band Announce The Dead Clowns Official Vevo Channel
Today the popular internet band; The Dead Clowns, have joined the ranks of modern day recording artists like; Katie Perry, Pharell, Daft Punk, Justin Timberlake, Bruno Mars, Taylor Swift and more, with the launch of The Dead Clowns official Vevo Channel.

In the four weeks since the Internet Band released their debut single and subsequent music video for the song "Music Is My Hero (Featuring Gallo Locknez and Devize)", it has garnered critical acclaim in regional markets and the band is excited to have a new global reach with their Vevo Channel. "Music Is My Hero" will have yet another debut as the first video to air on the newly released Vevo channel for The Dead Clowns.

When asked his thoughts on the new channel, Rapper and Producer Gallo Locknez said; "The Dead Clowns are the way of the future and to be part of such an innovative force like Vevo, truly fits!"

About Vevo: Vevo is the world's leading all-premium music video and entertainment platform with over 5 billion monthly views globally. Vevo brings a library of 75,000 HD music videos, exclusive original programming and live concert performances to everyone on the planet who loves music both on-demand through, the mobile web, apps for mobile/tablets and connected TVs, and on Vevo TV, an always-on broadcast-style linear music channel built by expert human programmers.

To learn more about The Dead Clowns on Vevo visit: and stay tuned for exciting new Vevo Video releases from The Dead Clowns.

For more info, please contact:
The Dead Clowns


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